
                        ABALLO (Avallon) Yonne, France.
                        AD SILANUM Loz?re, France.
                        AD TURREM (Tourves) Var, France.
                        AGATHA (Agde) H?rault, France.
                        AGEDINCUM (Sens) Yonne, France.
                        AGINNUM (Agen) Lot-et-Garonne, France.
                        AIGUES-VIVES Locality of Pataran, canton of Sommi?res, Gard, France.
                        VICUS IULII (Aire sur l'Adour), Dept. Landes, France.
                        AIX-EN-DIOIS Dr?me, France.
                        ALALIA later ALERIA Corsica, France.
                        ALAUNA Commune Valognes, Dept. Manche, France.
                        ALBA HELVIORUM (Alba) Ard?che, France.
                        ALBI (Albiga?) Tarn, France.
                        ALBIAS Tarn-et-Garonne, France.
                        ALEBAECE REIORUM APOLLINARIUM (Riez) Alpes de Haute-Provence, France.
                        ALESIA (Alise-Ste-Reine) C?te d'Or, France.
                        ALETO (St. Servan sur Mer) Ille et Vilaine, France.
                        ALLAS-LES-MINES Dordogne, France.
                        ALLEGRE (Les Fumades) Canton of Saint-Ambroix, Gard, France.
                        ALLONNES Sarthe, France.
                        ALLONVILLE Somme, France.
                        AMBRUSSUM Locality of Le Dev?s, commune of Villetelle, canton of Lunel, H?rault, France.
                        AMELIE-LES-BAINS Canton of Arles-sur-Tech, Pyr?n?es-Orientales, France.
                        SAMAROBRIVA or Samarabriva (Amiens) Somme, France.
                        ANDANCE Dr?me, France.
                        ANDEMATUNUM (Langres) Haute-Marne, France.
                        ANDERITUM or Gabalum (Javols) Loz?re, France.
                        ANDILLY-EN-BASSIGNY Haute-Marne, France.
                        ANDUZE ( Andusia ) Gard, France.
                        ANGERS (Juliomagus) Maine et Loire, France.
                        BOUTAE (Annecy-Les-Fins) Haute-Savoie, France.
                        ANTIPOLIS (Antibes) Alpes-Maritimes, France.
                        AQUAE (Aix-les-Bains) Savoie, France.
                        AQUAE NERI (Neris les Bains) Allier, France.
                        AQUAE SEGETAE (Sceaux du G?tinais) Loire, France.
                        AQUAE SEXTIAE SALLUVIORUM (Aix-en-Provence) Bouches-du-Rh?ne, France.
                        AQUAE TARBELLICAE (Dax) Dept. Landes, France.
                        AQUIS CALIDIS (Vichy) Allier, France.
                        ARAUSIO (Orange) D?pt. Vaucluse, France.
                        AREGENUA (Vieux) Calvados, France.
                        ARELATE (Arles sur Rh?ne) Bouches-du-Rh?ne, France.
                        ARGENTOMAGUS Indre, France.
                        ASA PAULINI (Anse, La Grange-du-Bief) Rh?ne France.
                        ATHIES Arrondissement of P?ronne, canton of Chaulnes, Somme, France.
                        NEMETACUM later ATREBATUM (Arras) Pas de Calais, France.
                        AUBENAS Ard?he, France.
                        AUCH Gers, France.
                        AUGERS-EN-BRIE Dept. Seine-et-Marne, France.
                        AUGUSTA AMBIANORUM Seine-Maritime, France.
                        AUGUSTA SUESSIONUM (Soissons) Aisne, France.
                        SAINT-QUENTIN ( Augusta Vermanduorum ) Aisne, France.
                        AUGUSTOBONA (Troyes) Aube, France.
                        AUGUSTODUNUM (Autun) Sa?ne-et-Loire, France.
                        AUGUSTODURUM (Bayeux) Dept. Calvados, France.
                        AUGUSTOMAGUS (Senlis) Oise, France.
                        AUGUSTONEMETUM (Arvemnis, Clermont-Ferrand) Puy-de-D?me, France.
                        AUGUSTORITUM LEMOVICUM (Limoges) Haute-Vienne, France.
                        AUMES Canton of Montagnac, H?rault, France.
                        AUTERIVE Haute-Garonne, France.
                        AUTESSIODURUM (Auxerre) Yonne, France.
                        AUTRICUM (Chartres) Dept. Eure-et-Loir, France.
                        AUVE Maine, France.
                        AVARICUM (Bourges) Cher, France.
                        AVRIGNEY Haute-Sa?ne, France.
                        AXIMA (Aime) Savoie, France.
                        BAETERRAE (Baitera) Dept. H?rault, B?ziers, France.
                        BAGACUM (Bavai or Bavay) Nord, France.
                        BALARUC-LES-BAINS Canton of Frontignan, H?rault, France.
                        BANASSAC Loz?re, France.
                        SEGESSERA (Bar-sur-Aube) Aube, France.
                        BARON-SUR-ODON Calvados, France.
                        LAPURDUM or Laburdum (Bayonne) Pyr?n?es Atlantiques, France.
                        UGERNUM (Beaucaire) Gard, France.
                        BEAUCAIRE-SUR-BAISE Gers, France.
                        CAESAROMAGUS (Beauvais) Oise, France.
                        BEGUES Allier, France.
                        BEIRE-LE-CHATEL C?te d'Or, France.
                        BELB?ZE-EN-COMMINGES Haute-Garonne, France.
                        VESONTIO or Visontio later BISONTII (Besan?on) Doubs, France.
                        BIBRACTE Mont Beuvray, Sa?ne-et-Loire, France.
                        SAINT-THOMAS ( Bibrax ) Aisne, France.
                        BIRAN Gers, France.
                        BLAIN Loire-Atlantique, France.
                        BLASSIACUM or Blacciacum (Plassac) Gironde, Aquitaine, France.
                        COMPIERRE (Bois de) Dept. Ni?vre, France.
                        BOUCHEPORN Moselle, France.
                        GESORIACUM BONONIA (Boulogne) Nord, France.
                        BOUY Maine, France.
                        EBUROMAGUS (Bram) Gallia Narbonensis, Aude, France.
                        BRENTHONNE Haute-Savoie, France.
                        BRIGNON ( Briginn . . . ) Serre de Brienne, canton of V?zenobres, Gard, France.
                        BRIORD Am, France.
                        BRIOU: CHATEAU DE CHATILLON Loir et Cher, France.
                        B? and SENANTES Eure et Loir, France.
                        BURDIGALA (Bordeaux) Dept. Gironde, France.
                        CABELIO (Cavaillon) Vaucluse, France.
                        CABILLONUM or Cabilonnum (Chalon) Sa?ne-et-Loire, France.
                        CADEILHAN-SAINT-CLAR Gers, France.
                        LA CANOURGUE or Cadoule, Loz?re, France.
                        CADRIEU Lot, France.
                        DIVONA later CADURCI (Cahors) Lot, France.
                        CAESARODUNUM or Civitas Turonorum (Tours) Indre-et-Loire, France.
                        CAINO (Chinon) Touraine, France.
                        CAJARC Lot, France.
                        CALAGURRIS CONVENARUM (Saint-Martory) Haute-Garonne, France.
                        CALVISSON Gard, France.
                        CAMARACUM (Cambrai) Pas de Calais, France.
                        CAMPAGNAC Aveyron, France.
                        CAN?JAN Gironde, France.
                        CAPDENAC Lot, France.
                        CARACOTINUM Normandie, France.
                        CARCASO (Carcassonne) Gallia Narbonensis, Aude, France.
                        CARPENTORATE (Carpentras) Vaucluse, France.
                        CASSEL Pas de Calais, France.
                        CASSINOMAGUS (Chassenon) Charente, France.
                        CASTELFERRUS Tarn-et-Garonne, France.
                        CASTELNAU-MAGNOAC Hautes-Pyr?n?es, France.
                        CASTELNAU-MONTRATIER Lot, France.
                        SOSTOMAGUS (Castelnaudary) Aude, France.
                        CATULLIACUS (Saint-Denis) Seine-St.-Denis, France.
                        CAUTERETS Hautes-Pyr?n?es, France.
                        CAZ?RES Haute-Garonne, France.
                        CEILHES Canton of Lunas, H?rault, France.
                        CEMELENUM (Cimiez) Alpes-Maritimes, France.
                        CENABUM or Genabum (Orl?ans) Loiret, France.
                        CESSERO (Saint-Thib?ry) H?rault, France.
                        CESTAYROLS Tarn, France.
                        CHAMALI?RES Puy-de-D?me, France.
                        CHAMPALLEMENT or St. R?v?rien, Ni?vre, France.
                        CHAMPIGNEULLES Meurthe-et-Moselle, France.
                        CHAMPLIEU Commune of Orruy, canton of Crepy-en-Valois, arrondissement of Senlis, Oise, France.
                        CHANDON Loire, France.
                        CHARLIEU Loire, France.
                        CH?TEAU-PORCIEN Ardennes, France.
                        CH?TEAUBLEAU Dept. Seine-et-Marne, France.
                        MEDIOLANUM BITURIGUM (Ch?teaumeillant) Cher, France.
                        CH?TEAUPONSAC Dept. Haute Vienne France.
                        CHATEAURENARD Loiret, France.
                        CH?TILLON-SUR-SEINE, FOR?T C?te-d'Or, France.
                        CHAVAGN? Deux-S?vres, France.
                        CH?MERY Moselle, France.
                        CIVAUX Vienne, France.

                        COLLEVILLE or Koli Villa, Normandy/Seine Maritime, France.
                        COLLIAS Canton of Remoulins, Gard, France.
                        COLMIER-LE-BAS Haute-Marne, France.
                        CONCARNEAU Finist?re, France.
                        CONDATE (Condres) Loz?re, France.
                        CONDATE or Civitas Riedonum (Rennes) Ille et Vilaine, France.
                        CONDATOMAGOS (Millau) Aveyron, France.
                        CONDEVICNUM (Nantes) Loire-Atlantique, France.
                        CONLIEGE Jura, France.
                        CONSORANNI (Saint-Lizier) Ari?ge, France.
                        COSEDIA later CONSTANTIA (Coutances) Manche, France.
                        CORDES-TOLOSANE Tarn-et-Garonne, France.
                        CORRE Haute-Sa?ne, France.
                        FANUM MARTIS (Corseul) C?tes du Nord, France.
                        MONTBOUY (Cortrat, La Ronce, and Craon) France.
                        COULANGES Allier, France.
                        CREISSELS Aveyron, France.
                        CULARO (Grenoble) Is?re, France.
                        DARIORITUM (Vannes) Morbihan, France.
                        DEA AUGUSTA VOCONTIORUM (Die) Dr?me, France.
                        DECEMPAGI (Tarquimpol) Moselle, France.
                        DERVENTUM (Drevant) Cher, France.
                        DIVIO or DIBIO (Dijon) C?te-d'Or, France.
                        DILIS (Sen?mes) Bouches-du-Rh?ne, France.
                        DIVODURUM MEDIOMATRICORUM later METTIS (Metz) Moselle, France.
                        D?ME (Puy de) Commune of Orcines, Puy-de-D?me, France.
                        DONON Bas-Rhin, France.
                        DRAGUIGNAN Var, France.
                        DURETIA (Rieux) Morbihan, France.
                        CHALONS-SUR-MARNE ( Durocatalaunum ) Marne, France.
                        DUROCORTORUM (Reims) Marne, France.
                        EGUILLES Bouches-du-Rh?ne, France.
                        MONTFERRAND ( Elesiodunum or Elusio ) Canton of Castelnaudary, Aude, France.
                        ILLIBERIS (Elne) Pyr?n?s-Orientales, France.
                        ELUSA (Eauze) Gers, France.
                        ENSJ?RUNE H?rault, France.
                        INTARANUM (Entrains) Dept. Ni?vre, France.
                        ENTREMONT Bouches-du-Rh?ne, France.
                        EPAMANTADURUM or Epomanduodurum (Mandeure, Mathay) Doubs, France.
                        EROME Dr?me, France.
                        ESCLAUZELS Lot, France.
                        SCOLIVA (Escolives-Sainte-Camille) Yonne, France.
                        ESSAROIS C?te d'Or, France.
                        ETAPLES Pas de Calais, France.
                        MEDIOLANUM AULERCORUM (Evreux) Eure, France.
                        EXCISUM (Eysses) Commune of Villeneuve-sur-Lot, Dept. Lot-et-Garonne, France.
                        FABR?GUES H?rault, France.
                        FANUM MARTIS (Famars) Nord, France.
                        FAUROUX Tarn-et-Garonne, France.
                        FERRERE and SOST Hautes-Pyr?n?es, France.
                        FERRERE Hautes-Pyr?n?es, France.
                        FLAYOSC Var, France.
                        FLEURY Canton of Coursan, Aude, France.
                        FLORANGE-DASPICH-EBANGE Moselle, France.
                        FONTVIEILLE Bouches-du-Rh?ne, France.
                        FORUM DOMITII (Montbazin) Canton of M?ze, H?rault, France.
                        FORUM JULII (Fr?jus) Var, France.
                        FORUM SEGUSIAVORUM (Feurs) Loire, France.
                        FOX-AMPHOUX Var, France.

                        GANNAT Allier, France.
                        GAUJAC Locality of Saint-Vincent, Gard, France.
                        PETROMANTALUM (Genainville) Dept. Val d'Oise, France.
                        GERGOVIA or Gergobia, Commune of La Roche-Blanche, Puy-de-D?me, France.
                        LES BOUCHAUDS ( Germanicomagus ) Charente, France.
                        GEROUSSENS Tarn, France.
                        BREST ( Gesocribate ) Finist?re, France.
                        GIAT ET VOINGT Puy-de-D?me, France.
                        GISACUM (Le Vieil-Evreux) Eure, France.
                        GLANON later GLANUM (Saint-R?my-de-Provence) Bouches-du-Rh?ne, France.
                        GONDECOURT Nord, France.
                        GOURZON Haute-Marne, France.
                        GRAND Vosges, France.
                        GUEUGNON Sa?ne-et-Loire, France.
                        GUIPAVAS Finist?re, France.
                        HAUTE-YUTZ Moselle, France.
                        HULTEHOUSE Moselle, France.
                        IATINUM (Meaux) Dept. Seine-et-Marne, France.
                        ICIODURUM (Yzeures) Indre et Loire, France.
                        IMUS PYRENAEUS (Saint-Jean le Vieux) Pyr?n?es Atlantiques, France.
                        ISARNODURUM (Izernore) Ain, France.
                        IZAUX Hautes-Pyr?n?es, France.
                        JAULNAY-CLAN Dept. Vienne, France.
                        NOIODUNUM (Jublains) Mayenne, France.
                        JULIOBONA (Lillebonne) Seine-Maritime, France.
                        JURAN?ON Basses-Pyr?n?es, France.
                        KERILEN Finist?re, France.
                        LA-BASTIDE-DU-TEMPLE Tarn-et-Garonne, France.
                        LA-BASTIDE-L'?V?QUE Aveyron, France.
                        LA CHAPELLE-MONTBRANDEIX Dept. Haute Vienne, France.
                        LA CHAPELLE-VAUPELTEIGNE Yonne, France.
                        TROPAEUM ALPIUM (La Turbie) Alpes-Maritimes, France.
                        LA VILLENEUVE-AU-CH?TELOT Aube, France.
                        LABASTIDE D'ARMAGNAC Landes, France.
                        LACTORA (Lectoure) Gers, France.
                        POMAS-ET-ROUFFIAC (Lagaste) Aude, France.

                        OLBIA (L'Almanarre) Var, France.
                        LALONQUETTE Basses-Pyr?n?es, France.
                        LANSARGUES Canton of Mauguio, H?rault, France.
                        LANUEJOLS Loz?re, France.
                        LAPANOUZE-DE-CERNON Aveyron, France.
                        LARDIERS Alpes de Haute-Provence, France.
                        LATARA or LATERA (Lattes) Canton of Montpelher, H?rault, France.
                        LATRESNE Gironde, France.
                        LAUDUN Locality of Camp-de-C?sar, Gard, France.
                        LAUZE and SAINT-PROJET Tarn-et-Garonne, France.
                        LE BOSSENO Finist?re, France.
                        LE LANGON Ille et Vilaine, France.
                        SUBDINUM or Vindinum (Le Mans) Sarthe, France.
                        PEYRIAC-DE-MER (Le Moulin) Aude, France.
                        LE PEGUE Dr?me, France.
                        LE ROZIER Loz?re, France.
                        L'ECLUSE Canton of C?ret, Pyr?n?es-Orientales, France.
                        PUYS-DE-VOINGT (Les) Communes of Voingt and Giat, Puy-de-D?me, France.
                        LES BOLARDS C?te d'Or, France.
                        LES CARS Corr?ze, France.
                        NOVEM CRARIS (Les Granges-Gontardes) Dr?me, France.
                        LES MARTYS Canton of Mas-Cabard?s, Aude, France.
                        LES MESNULS Dept. Seine-et-Oise, France.
                        L'ESCALE Basses-Alpes, France.
                        L?ZAT-SUR-L?ZE Aringe, France.
                        LEZOUX Puy de D?me, France.
                        LHOSPITALET Lot, France.
                        LIFFOL-LE-GRAND Vosges, France.
                        LIGUG? (La Vienne) France.
                        LIMONUM PICTONUM (Poitiers) Vienne, France.
                        NOVIOMAGUS LEXOVIORUM (Lisieux) Calvados, France.
                        LIVERDUN Meurthe-et-Moselle, France.
                        LOMBEZ Gers, France.
                        N?RAC (Lot-et-Garonne) France.
                        LOUPIAC Dept. Gironde, France.
                        LOUPIAN Canton of M?ze, H?rault, France.
                        LUGDUNUM (Lyon) Rh?ne, France.
                        LUGDUNUM CONVENARUM (Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges) Haute-Garonne, France.
                        LUTETIA PARISIORUM later PARISIUS (Paris) France.
                        LUTEVA (Lod?ve) H?rault, France.
                        LUXOVIUM (Luxeuil) Haute-Sa?ne, France.
                        LUZECH Lot, France.
                        LYONS-LA-FOR?T Dept. Eure, France.
                        MABLY Loire, France.
                        MAGALAS Canton of Murviel-les-B?ziers, H?rault, France.
                        MAGNAC-LAVAL Dept. Haute Vienne, France.
                        MAILHAC Aude, France.

                        MANTOCHE Haute-Sa?ne, France.
                        MARGERIDES Corr?ze, France.
                        MARGNY Ardennes, France.
                        MARIANA Commune of Lucciana, Corsica, France.
                        MARQUEFAVE Haute-Garonne, France.
                        MARTIZAY Indre, France.
                        MARTRES-TOLOSANE Haute-Garonne, France.
                        MASSALIA or Massilia (Marseille) Bouches-du-Rh?ne, France.
                        MATISCO (Macon) Sa?ne-et-Loire, France.
                        MAUBEUGE Nord, France.
                        MAURESSIP Gard, France.
                        MAUVES Loire Atlantique, France.
                        MEDIOLANUM (Malain) C?te-d'Or, France.
                        MEDIOLANUM SANTONUM (Saintes) Charente-Maritime, France.
                        MESUA (M?ze) H?rault, France.
                        MIRANDE Gers, France.
                        MITTELBRONN Moselle, France.
                        MOISSAC Tarn-et-Garonne, France.
                        MONS-ET-MONTEILS (Vi?-Cioutat) Cantons of V?zenobres and Al?s, Gard, France.
                        MONS?GUR Dept. Gironde, France.
                        MONT-DORE (le) Puy-de-D?me, France.
                        MONT-LASSOIS (Vix) C?te-d'Or, France.
                        MONTANS Tarn, France.
                        MONTCARET Dordogne, France.
                        MONTLAUZUN Lot, France.
                        MONTMAURIN Haute-Garonne, France.
                        MONTREAL-DU-GERS Gers, France.
                        MONTS?RI? Hautes-Pyr?n?es, France.
                        MOUCHAN Gers, France.
                        MOULIS Ari?ge, France.
                        TERICIA (Mouri?s) Bouches-du-Rh?ne, France.
                        MOUZON Ardennes, France.
                        MURVIEL-LES-MONTPELLIER H?rault, France.
                        NAGES and SAINT-DIONISY Gard, France.
                        NARBO (Narbonne) Gallia Narbonensis, Aude, France.
                        NASIUM Naix-aux-Forges and Saint-Amand-sur-Ornain, Meuse, France.
                        NEMAUSUS (N?mes) Gard, France.
                        NISTOS and SACOUE Hautes-Pyr?n?es, France.
                        SAINT-GERMAIN-D'ESTEUIL ( Noviomagus ) Gironde, France.
                        NOYELLES-GODAULT Pas de Calais, France.
                        OFFEMONT Territory of Belfort, France.
                        ORDAN-LARROQUE Gers, France.
                        URGO (Orgon) Bouches-du-Rh?ne, France.
                        SIGEAN (Pech-Maho) Aude, France.
                        VESUNNA PETRUCORIORUM (P?rigueux) Dordogne, France.
                        RUSCINO (Perpignan) Pyr?n?es-Orientales, France.
                        PETIT-BERSAC Dept. Dordogne, France.
                        PEYMENADE Alpes-Maritimes, France.
                        PIERRE-BUFFI?RE Dept. Haute Vienne, France.
                        PIERREFONDS Arrondissement of Compi?gne, canton of Attichy, Oise, France.
                        PISTIS (Pitres) Dept. Eure, France.
                        PLOUHINEC Morbihan, France.
                        BESSAN ( Polygium ) H?rault, France.
                        POMPEY Meurthe-et-Moselle, France.
                        PONS SARAVI (Sarrebourg) Moselle, France.
                        PONSAS Dr?me, France.
                        PONTCHEVRON and LE ROCHOIR Loiret, France.
                        PORT-SAINTE-FOY Dept. Dordogne, France.
                        PORT-SAINTE-MARIE Dept. Lot-et-Garonne, France.
                        PORT-SUR-SAONE ( Portus Abucinus or Bucinus, or Buxinus) Haute-Sa?ne, France.
                        PORTUS VENERIS (Port-Vendres) Canton of Argel?s-sur-Mer, Pyr?n?es-Orientales, France.
                        POUILLY-SOUS-CHARLIEU Loire, France.
                        PUISSALICON Canton of Servian, H?rault, France.
                        PUJO Hautes-Pyr?n?es, France.
                        PUYSI?GUR Gers, France.
                        RAJAT Commune of Murol, Puy-de-D?me, France.
                        RATIATUM (Rez?) Loire Atlantique, France.
                        RAURANUM (Rom) Deux-s?vres, France.
                        RECOULES-PR?VINQUI?RES Aveyron, France.
                        RIBEMONT SUR ANCRE Somme, France.
                        LE RUBRICAIRE ( Robrica ) Mayenne, France.
                        SEGODUNUM (Rodez) Aveyron, France.
                        RODUMNA (Roanne) Loire, France.
                        ROGNAC Bouches-du-Rh?ne, France.
                        ROQUEFORT-SUR-SOULZON Aveyron, France.
                        ROQUELAURE Gers, France.
                        ROQUEMAURE Locality of La Barre, Gard, France.
                        ROTOMAGUS (Rouen) Seine-Maritime, France.
                        ROYAT Communes of Royat and Chamali?res, Puy-de-D?me, France.
                        SABL? Sarthe, France.
                        SAINT-AUBIN SUR GAILLON Dept. Eure, France.
                        SAINT-AUBIN-SUR-MER Calvados, France.
                        SAINT-B?AT Haute-Garonne, France.
                        SAINT-BEAUZELY Aveyron, France.
                        SAINT-BLAISE Bouches-du-Rh?ne, France.
                        SAINT BONNET-YZEURE Allier, France.
                        SAINT-CLAIR-DU-RH?NE Is?re, France.
                        SAINT-CLAR Gers, France.
                        SAINT-CYR-SUR-MER Var, France.
                        UXELLODUNUM (Saint-Denis-l?s-Martel and Vayrac) Lot, France.
                        SAINT-DI? Vosges, France.
                        SAINT-DIZIER Haute-Maine, France.
                        SAINT-FREGANT Finist?re, France.
                        SAINT-GENCE Dept. Haute Vienne, France.
                        SAINT-GILLES Estate of Espeyran, Gard, France.
                        SAINT-JEAN D'AUBRIGOUX Haute-Loire, France.
                        SAINT-JEAN-DE-VERGES Ari?ges, France.
                        SAINT-JUST-PEPIRON Charente-Maritime, France.
                        SAINT-L?GER-SOUS-BRIENNE Aube, France.
                        SAINT-L?OMER Vienne, France.
                        SAINT-LEZER Hautes-Pyr?n?es, France.
                        SAINT-LOUP-DE-COMMINGES Haute-Garonne, France.
                        SAINT-MAURICE-LES-CH?TEAUNEUF Loire, France.
                        SAINT-NIZIER-SOUS-CHARLIEU Loire, France.
                        SAINT-PAUL-DE-LOUBRESSAC Lot, France.
                        SAINT-PAUL-LES-ROMANS Dr?me, France.
                        SAINT-PAUL-LEZ-DURANCE Dept. Bouches du Rh?ne, France.
                        SAINT-P?-D'ARDET Haute-Garonne, France.
                        SAINT PIERRE D'AURILLAC Gironde, France.
                        SAINT-PLANCARD Haute-Garonne, France.
                        SAINT-PRIEST-SOUS-AIXE Dept. Haute Vienne, France.
                        SAINT R?MY EN ROLLAT Allier, France.
                        SAINT-ROMAIN-DE-JALIONAS Is?re, France.
                        SAINT-ROMAN-LE-PUY Loire, France.
                        SAINT-ROME-DE-CERNON Aveyron, France.
                        SAINT-SERNIN-SUR-RANCE Aveyron, France.
                        SAINTE-ANASTASIE Locality of Castelvieil (Marbacum in the Middle Ages), canton of St-Chaptes, Gard, France.
                        SAINTE-COLOMBE Gironde, France.
                        SAINTE-EULALIE-DE-CERNON Aveyron, France.
                        SAINTE NITASSE Dept. Yonne, France.
                        SALINS Jura, France.
                        SAMOUSSY Aisne, France.
                        SANXAY Vienne, France.
                        SARBAZAN Landes, France.
                        SAUVE Locality of Mus, Gard, France.
                        SAXON-SION Meurthe-et-Moselle, France.
                        SCARPONNA or Scarpona, Dieulouard, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France.
                        SAGII (S?es) Dept. Orne, France.
                        SEGOBODIUM (Seveux, Savoyeux) Haute-Sa?ne, France.
                        SEQUANA (Saint-Germain-Sources-Seine) C?te-d'Or, France.
                        S?TE H?rault, France.
                        SEXTANT, later Substantion, Dept. H?rault, France.
                        SEYSSES-SAV?S Gers, France.
                        SILLANS-LA-CASCADE Var, France.
                        SOLIMARIACA or Solicia, Soulousse-sous-Saint-Elophe, Vosges, France.
                        SOMMI?RES and VILLEVIEILLE ( Vindomagus ) Gard, France.
                        SORCY-SAINT-MARTIN Meuse, France.
                        SORDE L'ABBAYE Landes, France.
                        SOR?ZE Tarn, France.
                        ST-ULRICH Moselle, France.
                        SUAUX Charente, France.
                        BARZAN ( Tamnum ) Charente Maritime, France.
                        TARARE Rh?ne, France.
                        TARBA or TURBA (Tarbes) Hautes-Pyr?n?es, France.
                        TASCIACA (Th?s?e) and POUILL? Loir-et-Cher, France.
                        LE BRUSC ( Tauroention ) Var, France.
                        TERVANNA (Therouanne) Pas-de-Calais, France.
                        TH?NAC Dept. Charente, France.
                        THIVERNY Oise, France.
                        TINTIGNAC Corr?ze, France.
                        TOLOSA (Toulouse) Haute-Garonne, France.
                        TOULON SUR ALLIER France.
                        TOURMONT Jura, France.
                        TRAIZE Savoie, France.
                        TRESQUES Locality of Courac, Gard, France.
                        TRIGU?RES Loiret, France.
                        TULLUM Toul, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France.
                        UCETIA (Uz?s) Gard, France.

                        VALENTIA (Valence) Dr?me, France.
                        VALENTINE Haute-Garonne, France.
                        VALLANGOUJARD, EPIAIS-RHUS Dept. Val d'Oise, France.
                        VALS Ari?ge, France.
                        VARISCOURT Aisne, France.
                        VASIO VOCONTIORUM (Vaison-la-Romaine) Vaucluse, France.
                        VAUX Corr?ze, France.
                        VELAUX Bouches-du-Rh?ne, France.
                        VENDEUIL-CAPLY Canton of Breteuil, arrondissement of Clermont, Oise, France.
                        VENDOEUVRES EN BRENNE Indre, France.
                        V?N?JEAN Locality of Lombren, Gard, France.
                        VERNEUIL EN HALATTE Oise, France.
                        VERS-SUR-SELLE Canton of Amiens Sud, arrondissement of Amiens, Somme, France.
                        VERSIGNY Aisne, France.
                        VERTILLUM (Vertault) C?te-d'Or, France.
                        VETUS PICTAVIS (Vieux Poitiers) Commune of Naintre, Vienne, France.
                        V?ZELAY Yonne, France.
                        VIC-FEZENSAC Gers, France.
                        VIEILLE-TOULOUSE Haute-Garonne, France.
                        VIENNA (Vienne) Is?re, France.

                        VIENNE EN VAL and NEUVY EN SULLIAS Loiret, France.
                        VILLARDS D'H?RIA Jura, France.
                        VED?NE ( Vindalium ) Vaucluse, France.
                        VENDEUVRE DU POITOU ( Vindobriga ) Vienne, France.



                        ABONAE (Sea Mills) Bristol, England.
                        AD PONTEM (Thorpe) Nottinghamshire, England.
                        ALAUNA (Maryport) Cumberland, England.
                        ALCHESTER Oxfordshire, England.
                        ISORBRIGANTIUM (Aldborough) Yorkshire, England.
                        ALONE (Watercrook) Westmorland, England.
                        GALAVA (Ambleside) Westmorland, England.
                        ANDERIDA (Pevensey) Sussex, England.
                        AQUAE ARNEMETIAE (Buxton) N. Derbyshire, England.
                        AQUAE SULIS (Bath) Avon, England.
                        MELANDRA CASTLE ( Ardotalia ) Derbyshire, England.
                        ARICONIUM (near Weston under Penyard) Gloucestershire, England.
                        VINDOCLADIA (Badbury Rings) Dorset, England.
                        BAGINTON Warwickshire, England.
                        BALDOCK Hertfordshire, England.
                        BANNAVENTA Northamptonshire, England.
                        BARNSLEY PARK VILLA Gloucestershire, England.
                        BEWCASTLE Cumberland, England (NY 565746).
                        BIBRA (Beckfoot) Cumberland, England.
                        BIGNOR Sussex, England.
                        VINOVIA (Binchester) Durham, England.
                        BIRDHOPE or Burdhope, Northumberland, England.
                        CLAUSENTUM (Bitterne) Hampshire, England.
                        BOURTON ON THE WATER Gloucestershire, England.
                        LAVATRAE (Bowes) Yorkshire, England.
                        BRADING Isle of Wight, Hampshire, England.
                        OTHONA (Bradwell-on-Sea) Essex, England.
                        BRAMPTON (Old Church) Cumberland, England (NY 510615).
                        BRANTINGHAM E Riding, Yorkshire, England.
                        BRAUGHING Hertfordshire, England.
                        BRAVONIACUM (Kirkby Thore) Westmorland, England.
                        BRAVONIUM or Bravinium (Leintwardine and Buckton) Herefordshire, England.
                        BREMENIUM (High Rochester) Northumberland, England.
                        BREMETENNACUM VETERANORUM (Ribchester) Lancashire, England.
                        BROCAVUM (Brougham) Cumberland, England.
                        SULLONIACAE (Brockley Hill) Hertfordshire, England.
                        CROCOCALANA (Brough on Fosse) Nottinghamshire, England.
                        PETUARIA or Pretorium, or Decuaria (Brough-on-Humber) Yorkshire, England.
                        NAVIO (Brough-on-Noe) Derbyshire, England.
                        VERTERAE (Brough-under-Stainmore) Westmorland, England.
                        GARIANNONUM (Burgh Castle) Suffolk, England.
                        CAISTER ON SEA Norfolk, England.
                        CAISTOR Lincolnshire, England.
                        VENTA ICENORUM (Caistor St. Edmund) Norfolk, England.
                        NEWTON KYME ( Calcaria ) Yorkshire, England.
                        CALLEVA ATREBATUM (Silchester) Hampshire, England.
                        CAMERTON Somerset, England.
                        CAMULODUNUM or Colonia Claudia Victricensis (Colchester) Essex, England.
                        DUROVERNUM CANTIACORUM (Canterbury) Kent, England.
                        LUGUVALIUM (Carlisle) Cumberland, England.
                        LAGENTIUM or Lageolium (Castleford) Yorkshire, England.
                        CASTLESHAW Yorkshire, England.
                        CASTRA EXPLORATORUM (Netherby) Cumberland, England.
                        CATARACTONIUM (Catterick Bridge) Yorkshire, England.
                        ANCASTER ( Causennae ) Lincolnshire, England.
                        TRIPONTIUM (Caves Inn) Warwickshire, England.
                        CAWTHORN Yorkshire, England.
                        CHARTERHOUSE-UPON-MENDIP Somerset, England.
                        CHEDWORTH Gloucestershire, England.
                        DEVA or Deva Victrix (Chester) Cheshire, England.
                        CHESTERTON Warwickshire, England.
                        DUROBRIVAE (Chesterton) Cambridgeshire, England.
                        CHEW GREEN Northumberland, England.
                        NOVIOMAGUS REGNENSIUM (Chichester) Sussex, England.
                        CLANVILLE Weyhill, Hampshire, England.
                        COMBRETOVIUM Suffolk, England.
                        CONCANGIUM (Chester-le-Street) Durham, England.
                        CONDATE (Northwich) Cheshire, England.
                        CORINIUM DOBUNNORUM (Cirencester) Gloucestershire, England.
                        CORSTOPITUM (Corbridge) Northumberland, England.
                        CUNETIO (Mildenhall) Wiltshire, England.
                        DARENTH Kent, England.
                        DERVENTIO (Little Chester) Derbyshire, England.
                        DERVENTIO (Malton) Yorkshire, England.
                        DERVENTIO (Papcastle) Cumberiand, England.
                        DITCHLEY Oxfordshire, England.
                        DORCHESTER Oxfordshire, England.
                        DORN Gloucestershire, England.
                        SALINAE (Droitwich) Worcestershire, England.
                        DUBRIS (Dover) Kent, England.
                        DURNOVARIA (Dorchester) Dorset, England.
                        DUROBRIVAE (Rochester) Kent, England.
                        DUROCOBRIVIS (Dunstable) Bedfordshire, England.
                        DUROCORNOVIUM (Wanborough) Wiltshire, England.
                        CAMBRIDGE ( Durolipons ) Cambridgeshire, England.
                        GODMANCHESTER ( Durovigutum ) Huntingdonshire, England.
                        MARGIDUNUM (East Bridgeford) Nottinghamshire, England.
                        VINDOMORA (Ebchester) Durham, England.
                        EBORACUM or Eburacum or Eburaco (York) Yorkshire, England.
                        ECCLES Kent, England.
                        EWHURST Surrey, England.
                        ISCA DUMNONIORUM (Exeter) Devonshire, England.
                        FISHBOURNE Sussex, England.
                        FROCESTER COURT Gloucestershire, England.
                        GLANNOVENTA (Ravenglass) Cumberland, England.
                        GLEVUM (Gloucester) Gloucestershire, England.
                        GOLDSBOROUGH Yorkshire, England.
                        GREAT CASTERTON Rutland, England.
                        GREAT CHESTERFORD Essex, England.
                        GREAT WELDON Northamptonshire, England.
                        GREAT WITCOMBE Gloucestershire, England.
                        GREENSFORGE Staffordshire, England.
                        HABITANCUM (Risingham) Northumberland, England.
                        HADRIAN'S WALL England.
                        HALTWHISTLE BURN and Haltwhistle Common, Northumberland, England.
                        HAMBLEDEN Buckinghamshire, England.
                        MEDIOBOGDUM (Hardknott) Cumberland, England.
                        HARLOW Essex, England.
                        HERONBRIDGE Cheshire, England.
                        VENONAE (High Cross) Leicestershire, England.
                        HIGH WYCOMBE Buckinghamshire, England.
                        HINTON ST. MARY Dorset, England.
                        HOD HILL Stourpaine, Dorset, England.
                        HORNCASTLE Lincolnshire, England.
                        OLERICA (Ilkley) Yorkshire, England.
                        IRCHESTER Northamptonshire, England.
                        GATCOMBE ( Iscalis ) Somerset, England.
                        IXWORTH Suffolk, England.
                        MAGNIS (Kenchester) Herefordshire, England.
                        KINGSWESTON Bristol, England.
                        LACTODORUM (Towcester) Northamptonshire, England.
                        LANCASTER England.
                        LANGTON E Riding, Yorkshire, England.
                        LATIMER Buckinghamshire, England.
                        RATAE CORITANORUM (Leicester) Leicestershire, England.
                        LEMANIS (Lympne) Kent, England.
                        ILCHESTER ( Lindinis ) Somerset, England.
                        LINDUM COLONIA (Lincoln) Lincolnshire, England.
                        LOCKLEYS Hertfordshire, England.
                        LONDINIUM (London) England.
                        LONGOVICIUM (Lanchester) Durham, England.
                        LONGTHORPE Near Peterborough, Northamptonshire/Huntingdonshire, England.
                        LOW BORROW BRIDGE Westmorland, England.
                        LOW HAM Somerset, England.
                        LULLINGSTONE Kent, England.
                        LYDNEY Gloucestershire, England.
                        MAGIOVINIUM Buckinghamshire, England.
                        MAIDEN CASTLE Dorset, England.
                        MAMUCIUM (Manchester) Lancashire, England.
                        MANDUESSEDUM (Mancetter) Warwickshire, England.
                        MARTINHOE Lynton, N. Devonshire, England.
                        MEDIOLANUM (Whitchurch) Shropshire, England.
                        METCHLEY Warwickshire, England.
                        SALINAE (Middlewich) Cheshire, England.
                        NANSTALLON Bodmin, Cornwall, England.
                        NETTLETON SCRUBB West Kington, Wiltshire, England.
                        NORTH LEIGH Oxfordshire, England.
                        OLD BURROW Countisbury, N Devonshire, England.
                        OLD DURHAM Durham, England.
                        VOREDA (Old Penrith) Cumberland, England.
                        OLD SLEAFORD Lincolnshire, England.
                        OLENACUM or Olerica (Old Carlisle) Cumberland, England.
                        PARK STREET Hertfordshire, England.
                        PENNOCRUCIUM Staffordshire, England.
                        PORTUS ADURNI (Portchester) Hampshire, England.
                        VXACONA (Red Hill) Shropshire, England.
                        REYCROSS Yorkshire, England.
                        ROCESTER Staffordshire, England.
                        ROCKBOURNE Hampshire, England.
                        RUDSTON E Riding, Yorkshire, England.
                        RUTUNIUM Shropshire, England.
                        RUTUPIA (Richborough) Kent, England.
                        SCARBOROUGH Yorkshire, England.
                        SEGELOCUM Nottinghamshire, England.
                        OLD SARUM ( Sorviodunum ) Wiltshire, England.
                        SPINIS Berkshire, England.
                        VAGNIACAE (Springhead) Kent, England.
                        STROUD Hampshire, England.
                        THISTLETON DYER Rutland, England.
                        TIDDINGTON Warwickshire. England.

                        VENTA BELGARUM (Winchester) Hampshire, England.
                        VERLUCIO Wiltshire, England.
                        VERNEMETUM (Willoughby) Leicestershire, England.
                        WORCESTER ( Vertis ) Worcestershire, England.
                        VERULAMIUM Near St. Albans, Hertfordshire, England.
                        VIROCONIUM CORNOVIORUM (Wroxeter) Shropshire, England.
                        WADDON HILL Stoke Abbott, Dorsetshire, England.
                        WALLTOWN Shropshire, England.
                        WHITLEY CASTLE Northumberland, England.
                        WILDERSPOOL Lancashire, England.
                        WINTERTON Lincolnshire, England.
                        WOODCHESTER Gloucestershire, England.
                        WRAXALL Somerset, England.
                        WYCOMB Gloucestershire, England.


                        ANTONINE WALL Scotland.
                        ARDOCH Perthshire, Scotland.
                        BERTHA Perthshire Scotland.
                        BLATOBULGIUM (Birrens) Middlebie, Dumfriesshire, Scotland.
                        BROOMHOLM KNOWE Dumfriesshire, Scotland.
                        BURNSWARK Dumfriesshire, Scotland.
                        CAMELON Stirlingshire, Scotland.
                        CAPPUCK Roxburghshire, Scotland.
                        CARDEAN Meigle, Angus, Scotland.
                        CARPOW Perthshire, Scotland.
                        CASTLE GREG Midlothian, Scotland.
                        CASTLEDYKES Lanarkshire, Scotland.
                        CRAMOND Edinburgh, Scotland.
                        CRAWFORD Lanarkshire, Scotland.
                        DALGINROSS Perthshire, Scotland.
                        DALSWINTON Dumfriesshire, Scotland.
                        DURISDEER Dumfriesshire, Scotland.
                        FENDOCH Perthshire, Scotland.
                        GASK RIDGE Perthshire, Scotland.
                        GLENLOCHAR Kirkcudbright, Scotland.
                        INCHTUTHIL Perthshire, Scotland.
                        INNERPEFFRAY Perthshire, Scotland.
                        INVERESK Musselburgh, Scotland.
                        KAIMS CASTLE Perthshire, Scotland.
                        KIRKBUDDO Angus, Scotland.
                        LURG MOOR Renfrewshire, Scotland.
                        LYNE Peeblesshire, Scotland.
                        TRIMONTIUM (Newstead) Roxburghshire, Scotland.
                        OAKWOOD Selkirkshire, Scotland.
                        PENNYMUIR Roxburghshire, Scotland.
                        RAEBURNFOOT Eskdalemuir, Dumfriesshire, Scotland.
                        RAEDYKES Kincardineshire, Scotland.
                        STRACATHRO Angus, Scotland.
                        STRAGEATH Perthshire, Scotland.
                        TASSIESHOLM Dumfriesshire, Scotland.
                        WHITEMOSS Renfrewshire, Scotland.
                        WODEN LAW Roxburghshire, Scotland.


                        GOBANNIUM (Abergavenny) Monmouthshire, Wales.
                        AROSFA GAREG Wales.
                        BLAEN-CWM-BACH Glamorgan, Wales.
                        BLESTIUM (Monmouth) Monmouthshire, Wales.
                        BRECON GAER Breconshire, Wales.
                        BURRIUM (Usk) Monmouthshire, Wales.
                        CAER GYBI Anglesey, Wales.
                        ISCA (Caerleon) Monmouthshire, S Wales.
                        CANOVIUM (Caerhun) Caernarvonshire, Wales.
                        CARDIFF S. Glamorgan, Wales.
                        MORIDUNUM (Carmarthen) Wales.
                        CASTELL COLLEN Wales.
                        COELBREN W. Glamorgan, Wales.
                        DOLAUCOTHI N. Carmarthenshire, Wales.
                        ELY Glamorgan, Wales.
                        ESGAIR PERFEDD Radnorshire, Wales.
                        FORDEN GAER Montgomeryshire, Wales.
                        GELLIGAER Mid Glamorgan, Wales.
                        LEUCARUM (Loughor) W. Glamorgan, Wales.
                        LLANDOVERY Carmarthenshire, Wales.
                        LLANDRINDOD COMMON Radnorshire, Wales.
                        LLANIO Cardiganshire, Wales.
                        LLANTWIT MAJOR Glamorgan, Wales.
                        CAERSWS ( Mediolanum ) Montgomeryshire, Wales.
                        NIDUM (Neath) W. Glamorgan, Wales.
                        PEN LLYSTYN Caernarvonshire, Wales.
                        SEGONTIUM Caernarvonshire, N Wales.
                        TOMEN-Y-MUR Merioneth, Wales.
                        VENTA SILURUM Caerwent, Monmouthshire, S Wales.
                        WHITTON S. Glamorgan, Wales.
                        Y PIGWN Carmarthenshire, Wales.
                        YSTRADFELLTE Wales.